
On April 24, 2014 we signed the foundation act setting up the foundation named “Formika for Children Foundation”


Some of us have had an opportunity to gain an excellent education, there are those made or are making a great career, others run their own businesses. Some of us have just a permanent job and develop their skills. We established the foundation so to help children in Poland, to give them a chance so to make their life better.

Despite we have been in the EU for so many years now, Poland still suffers from the problem of undernourished kids, families living in disastrous conditions, on the brink of poverty. Moreover, we have very clever youth who will never be capable of transforming their living conditions, since they will go for a low-paid jobs instead of continuing their education. Our goal is to assist these children and provide them with equal opportunities.


We help in a reasonable way. We do not make our pupils dependent on Foundation’s support, but we try to stimulate and prepare them so that they will be able to manage their own issues themselves. This is an ultimately essential step in terms of the kid development process, preventing from creation of socially dysfunctional persons, who will need assistance till the end of their life.   


The Founder and initiator of the Foundation – Formika Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) assigns a fixed amount to the foundation’s statutory purposes on monthly basis. We would like 92% of the funds to be provided exactly for the statutory operations of the Foundation. Operating costs are and will be minimized. We want to be sure that the donations we have received from the donors will be allocated properly. 


As far as we know, the similar organization does not operate on the printing market. We believe that the Foundation could become an extremely efficient tool to activate our market to provide a relevant support. We count on suppliers, customers, employees as they may bolster our activities, so that the tiny percentage of our contracts be assigned to the Foundation.  We will encourage our customers to support the Foundation in cash and in the form of contributions-in-kind. Our staff and private parties will be asked for minor donations. Even PLN 50 a month will do. However, the most important thing is to provide support on permanent basis, e.g. every month or every quarter. It will ensure a continuous assistance to the children in demand.

Partners and donors


Tel. +48 690 000 261
NIP: 534-249-69-19

Fundacja FORMIKA Dzieciom 
Ul. Św. Jerzego 9
05-808 Brwinów

KRS: 0000509315

ACCOUNT: IBAN: PL94 1950 0001 2006 0845 4133 0002

Tel. +48 690 000 261
Fax: +48 22 314 53 54

Fundacja FORMIKA Dzieciom 
Ul. Św. Jerzego 9
05-808 Brwinów

Numer konta bankowego:
94 1950 0001 2006 0845 4133 0002

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